Peter Wollner Unit 288
American Legion Auxiliary
Executive Board Meeting
September 18, 2023
Call to Order 6:02p
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officers Present: 11 Absent: 1 - Natalia
Approval of Minutes from 8/21/23
Donna/Gail – move and seconded to not read the minutes
Treasurer’s Report – Barb Tenpenny
Motion to approve - Nancy
Second – Mary
Placed on file for audit
Membership Report – Barb Frank
Seniors___55_____ Juniors____7____ Goal ___166____
Parliamentarian Report - Natalia Genovese-King – No report
Sick and Sunshine – Mary Jaeger
Americanism/ Children and Youth – Nancy Wallock
- Outreach to see if they want flags for their classrooms and outside (front of
- We won’t give them more than 5 total flags per year
This data is internal to Brunswick.
Old Business
Kara LeGault – Mary received the check from Barb. Mary is doing outreach to deliver
the check.
Wine & Harvest Fest Parking – Sept 16 th to 17 th
- $2366 – total raised - $200 start up = $2166.00 INCOME
- $541.50 – 25% to VIP
- $1624.50 – 75% to AUX
- Need to recognize investment spend
Packer Party – Oct 22, 2023/Sunday - CANCELLED
- Discussion about too much going on and perhaps we should cancel
- Other community events happening in the same timeframe
- Barb – motion to cancel, Jenna - second
Ozaukee County Fall Council Meeting – Oct 28, 2023
- 8:30 am Registration & Lite Breakfast
- 9:00 am Meeting
- Grafton Legion Post - 1540 13 th Ave Grafton
- **Will need raffle basket – Includes a board decoration included in the basket
(from Nancy)
- # attending – 7 going from our group
Veterans Lunch – Nov 10 Friday confirmed by Exec board member Debbie G.
- Jenna and Kris Gomez to chair.
- Julie to bake 100 cookies for the bagged lunch.
- Food drive for MHVI to take place same day
- 11a-1p
- Hosted Food Drive – Veterans to Veterans Food
- Mary to share the bag link and the label to seal the bag
- Reco – ad in the Ozaukee Press?
- Kris – check with Jim on whether the bar will be open for Veteran community
- When posters are available – send to Piggly Wiggly
- Nancy will ask the schools to provide thank you notes to go in the bags
Wreaths Across America
Donation – 30 Wreaths @ $17 each = $540 approved by unit
Volunteers to place wreaths – Saturday, Dec 16 th @ 11:00am
Location - Wood (2021) or Union Grove (2022) or King (2023 for Legion)
# 0f Volunteers interested in attending
Membership Contest
This data is internal to Brunswick.
o Contest details – pay by Dec 1 and get your name added to the drawing.
o If you recruit someone for membership, that name also goes into the
- We are in 1 st place in Oz County—ahead of Saukville and Grafton!
USO – Arlington Ladies - Natalia
- No report
New Business
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Thursday, October 5 2023 - 6:00pm (please arrive by 5:45pm)
Warren Kane American Legion Post 410
4200 Valleyview Dr
Fredonia, WI
Open to the Public
Halloween Party – Sunday October 29 th
- No more news from Kristin
Zablocki Holiday Party
- COVID is still limiting the exposure of those Veterans
Aux Holiday Party – Dec 5
- Usually potluck or catered
Closing prayer
Adjourned: 6:53pm
August 21, 2023
Call to Order
Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officers Present: all others Absent: Mary and Gayle
Approval of Minutes from 7/17/23
Motion by Nancy Wallock to approve minutes. Seconded by Donna Kison
Treasurer’s Report – Barb Tenpenny
Motion by Donna Kison to approve Treasurer’s Report. Second by Carol Szuds.
Membership Report – Barb Frank
Seniors___22_____ Juniors___2_____ Goal ___166_____
Parliamentarian Report - Natalia Genovese-King – No report
Sick and Sunshine – Mary Jaeger
Mary Garner – so much to thank you for. So grateful. <3
Americanism/ Children and Youth – Nancy Wallock
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Kara LeGault – help with family issues
- Takes care of the flowers out front. Having family issues.
- Do something to help as they navigate spinabifida in their family
- Search to see what the maximum the Advisory Committee can authorize
- Suggestion to push to general meeting in September to see if we can authorize a higher amount as we think the max is $250 and we would like to do more than that.
Dogs2Dogtags Event – Vines2Vets - 5k Walk/Run – Sept 9, 2023
12:OOpm to 4:00PM
Solu Winery
W8269 County Road F
Cascade, WI
$150 donation gives entry to raffle – that is a sponsorship as one entity. The Aux would not like to be the sole donation source. So we will pass.
Wine & Harvest Fest Parking – Sept 16th to 17th
- Still looking for volunteers for this event. But we are committed to doing it.
- More volunteers being recruited at the September meeting.
Packer Party – Oct 22, 2023/Sunday
- Post is reserved. 3:25p game against the Denver Broncos
- No one is identified as Chair yet for this event – still TBD as to whether we would do it
- Meat Raffle was discussed but that is tentative at best. We can do the party without it.
- Go/No-Go needs to be made at the September meeting.
Ozaukee County Fall Council Meeting – Oct 28, 2023
8:30 am Registration & Lite Breakfast
- 9:00 am Meeting
- Grafton Legion Post - 1540 13th Ave Grafton
- **Will need raffle basket – Barb will be in charge of the basket. Barb F will donate a basket for this use.
- Natalia will be there – confirmed. Many others also interested.
Veterans Lunch – Nov 10 Friday? Needs to be
- Discussed getting sandwiches and chips from Subway
- Ask membership to provide cookies – need 100 bags of cookies
- Need bags – Jenna to order from Amazon and donate them
- Food drive for MHVI?
- Advertise at the Rivoli -- $50 for October
- “Big Ads” donated from American Legion Post – Ask them if we can use it
Wreaths Across America
Donation -Wreaths are $17 each this year
Volunteers to place wreaths – Saturday, Dec 16th @ 11:00am
Location - Wood (2021) or Union Grove (2022)
- Donated last year for 20 wreaths ($300 donation)
- Need to consider donation and participation for 2023 – table for general meeting decision
MHVI (MKE Homeless Veterans Initiative) - Food Shortage
Need food and $$$ donations
- 171 veterans served in July (not including family members of those veterans)
- Ask is urgent
- Motion made/Natalia: Send $250 to MHVI. Second – Kris
- Request – Also ask for $500 general session approval to donate and ask American Legion Post members to also donate $750 for a total of $1500
Membership Contest
- Start a contest to have everyone pay their dues by a certain date
- Entry into a gift card drawing
- Have your membership paid by Dec 1 so we can react at December meeting and also call others if we need to in order to make a December 7 national deadline.
- Prize:
- Cash prize to cover the cost of your membership dues
- Gift Certificate from local place like Piggly Wiggly
- “Dance with Barb F” – still being considered. Ha!
USO – Arlington Ladies
- Natalia – posed if we wanted to take on a role to support WI military families who have lost a loved one in active duty.
- This could include being a letter writer during the initial time of grief that provides caring through a personal letter.
- More information coming for continued conversation on this
Closing Prayer
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 288 Cedarburg
Notes of Record
Peter Wollner Unit 288
American Legion Auxiliary
Department of Wisconsin
Executive Board Meeting
July 17, 2023
Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance– Complete – thanks Mary J
Preamble – was agreed to skip this for Executive Board Meetings
Roll Call of Officers (Secretary)
Present: Chris Skidmore – President
Present: Barb Frank – 1st Vice
Absent: Mary Garner – 2nd Vice
Present: Treasurer – Barb Tenpenny
Present: Chaplain – Mary Jaeger
Present: Sargent at Arms – Donna Kison
Present: Assistant at Arms – Nancy Wallock
Executive Board
Present: Carol Grotkiewicz
Present: Kris Gomez
Absent: Gail Andree-Kjell
Absent: Natalia Genovesi-King - Parliamentarian
Excused: Jenna Smith – Secretary
Present: Christine Eggert – Asst Secretary
Presentation of Good Deed Award (National)
Maggie Johnson – approved for good deed award – for 6 years she has been collecting food for
the Food Pantry during her spring break – this year she did over 3000 lbs of food
Award will be presented to her at August meeting
Chris proposed a $25 Target gift card for Maggie - Motion made (Barb F.) Seconded (Barb T)
Presentation of Teacher of the Year Award
Michael Cullen - retired now, taught at CHS - Collaborative Mathematics and Computer Science
Sandy is having the award plaque made
To be presented at August meeting
Treasurer’s Report – Barb Tenpenny
Checking $ - Money Market $ Poppy Fund $ - Need to send money to poppy fund by August - Poppy cost $
20% due to Dept of WI $
Balance $
Legion gets 40% $
60% to Aux $
Strawberry Fest - Barb given approval to send check to VIP
Motion made to accept Treasurer’s Report (Kris), Seconded (Mary J) … Report approved.
Membership Report - Barb Frank
Seniors 9 signed up online for 2024 registration
Parliamentarian Report
Natalia not here to report out
Children and Youth Report
Nancy Wallock will be responsible– combined with Americanism
Nancy Wallock will be responsible – combined with Children and Youth
Sick and Sunshine
Mary Jager will be responsible for sending cards and flowers - Mary G having surgery on 7/27
Old Business
Car Show 2023
Kris would like to be on Aug mtg agenda - will present a report at August meeting
August meeting – Kris will suggest rounding donations to $1000
New Business
Barb Tenpenny suggested doing an updated budget
Every project should have a budget line item
Kris Gomez volunteered to be on Budget Committee
Referring to 2021 and updating for the year
Maggie’s Corsage, Card and Gift
Corsage: Barb will get corsage from Rachels Roses
Card: Passed around meeting for Exec Brd signatures and messages of encouragement
Gift: Per constitution, we don’t do a gift (just corsage) per Kris Gomez
Chris’s Speech: Greetings and Best Wishes from the Unit (per Shirley), plus paragraph
Chris found about leadership
Donation: $500 approved at last meeting – to be given to Maggie at August meeting
Raffle basket
Per Shirley: Type up on sheet of paper what is in basket and who it is from
Has to be at least $30 in value
Chris has poppy themed items for the basket – and will bring the basket to convention
Add: a gnome to follow current President Linda’s theme
Add: bottle of wine, two glasses, gift certif to Merkts or Cedar Valley
Dress code for Nancy and Donna
Blue pants, white top, small earrings, no pins
Delegates and Alternates
Delegates: Shirley, Sandy, Natalia, Carol Szuds
Alternates: Donna, Nancy, Barb Frank, Barb Tenpenny
At Convention
Delegates sit in area 2 (second district)
Alternates sit to the side – anywhere
Sat around 3pm = installation – also Chris’s presentation to Maggie
Only delegates can vote – doors looked at 9am Saturday for voting – if not there, can’t
get in until after voting
FUTURE EVENTS – Now thru Jan 2024
Chris will bring these up at August General meeting – looking for volunteers to run
Kris Gomez suggested looking at what earns us the most $ for the time spent planning
- Wine & Harvest Fest Parking
Chris will bring it up at August Meeting
- Parking
Kris will reach out to Chris Sandoval to create a report – to help determine if we should
continue this
- Packer Party/Meat Raffle
Sue Ingram suggested idea and offered to help -oppty to make considerable $
- Veterans Day Lunch
- Biergarten
- Christmas Party
- Veterans Christmas Party
Per Kris Gomez: Poppy $ went to this event in the past (Approx $1000 to cater)
Kris will contact Marissa to see if we can take meals to the vets
- School Supplies
Last year we started in August
Collect items at Fish Fries? – Aug, Sep
Pyramax Bank – (Debbie Gabert’s neighbor is bank manager at the Grafton branch) –
split with Grafton
Barb Tenpenny suggested Bank First
Piggly Wiggy & Wayne’s – ‘round up for …’ fund raiser
- Style Show
Talk to Linda
Eat at Crème & Crepe? (not handicapped accessible though)
Closing Prayer - Completed
Executive Board Meeting Minutes
April 17, 2023
Meeting called to order by 2nd Vice President, Barb Frank.
Opening prayer offered by Nancy Wallock.
Pledge of Allegiance recited
President Carol Grotkiewicz took over meeting and asked for roll call of officers.
Present 8 Excused 2
Treasurer’s Report offered by Barb Tenpenny - Checking _____________
(Poppy Fund and Money Market account balances will be presented at General Meeting on May 2, 2023)
Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report from Nancy Wallock and seconded by Shirley Krier
Membership report from Chris Skidmore
Goal 165 Paid Seniors 140 Paid Juniors 18
Old Business
Sweat4Vets – Sandy Mack will make new sign-up sheet to have at May meeting. SAL will be making the food. Volunteers are needed to for serving and clean-up. Workers for the Fish Fry on 4/21/23 have been asked to wear any t-shirts they have from prior walks. There will be placemats on the tables and Bob Batty will make sure pictures are running on the TV for customers to watch. Walk starts at 10:00am at the Rose-Harms American Legion Post in Grafton. Shuttles to take walkers back and forth to their vehicles will run until 1:00pm. Registration $35 until May 1, 2023. Then increases to $40 and will be $45 the day of the event.
Poppy Distribution- Shirley Krier to contact Speedway, Otto’s and Piggly Wiggly to see if we are able to stand outside to hand out poppies. She will also look into Fiddleheads in town as another option. She will have a sign-up sheet ready for the May Meeting. Distribution will be on National Poppy Day which is May 26, 2023…. the Friday of Memorial Weekend.
Memorial Day- Everything in place. Program to start at 10:00am. Kris Gomez has car lined up for Poppy Princesses. Sign up sheet was out to help with the meal preparation and serving. Will check at next meeting to make sure there are volunteers to help.
Car Show/Craft Fair-June 10, 2023 10am to 4pm
Crafters start arriving as early as 7:30am. Cars start coming in shortly after. Barb Frank has 12 registered so far with 3 more coming in. 5 Corners Dodge has said they will provide a raffle basket. She is not sure if Quilts of Thanks will be there to offer quilts every 20 minutes as before but they will make a donation.
Donna Kison will have around 4 or 5 raffle baskets for the event that will be donated by Donna K.
New Business
Shirley has slate of officers for May election.
Nancy Wallock reported that Laverne Gresch and the members of Faith Lutheran Church are busy making quilts for our Christmas donation to the lady veterans at the Domiciliary.
Sandy Mack noted that when she did the Trip Thru Oz newsletter, she noted several members in our unit that have been members for over 50 years. She suggested they be recognized. Barb Frank said she has a listing of members that we did certificates and handed out pins to last year. She will look to see what pins we still have and see if we need to do this again this year.
Chris Skidmore asked about laundry basket full of household supplies and children’s pajamas that has been sitting downstairs in the office for quite some time. Chris was wondering if it could be sent down to Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MVHI) along with a cart she is donating and some other items. All were in favor but Shirley suggested Chris contact Kris Gomez because she thinks Kris had other plans for the basket. ( NOTE: Chris contacted Kris Gomez after the meeting and Kris was OK with the basket going to MVHI…she had no other plans for it. Chris washed the pajamas and sent the items to Harold to take down to MVHI )
Sandy Mack advised she still has several of the black combat boots at home. These could be painted/decorated and used for raffles. They could be made into flower pots or any number of things. She reminded us of the one Sue Grosskoph did for her dad where she attached his dog tags etc. She will bring them to the next meeting to see if there is an interest in making some up to raffle at upcoming events. Maggie Geiger ordered the paint for the one she made on line but it’s possible it could be found at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby.
Closing prayer offered by Nancy Wallock.
Meeting Adjourned
January 16, 2023
Meeting called to order by President Carol Grotkiewicz
Opening Prayer offered by Chaplain Mary Jaeger
Pledge of Allegiance recited
Roll call of Officers Present 9 Absent 1 Excused 0
Treasurer’s Report given by Barb Tenpenny
Poppy Fund
Money Market
Motion by Shirley Krier to accept Treasurer’s report. Second by Nancy Wallock.
Treasurer’s report approved.
Membership Report given by Chris Skidmore
Goal 165 Paid Seniors 126 Paid Juniors 16
Old Business
Barb Tenpenny asked about the gift cards that were donated at the general meeting. Shirley Krier said that she has them but forgot to give them to the guy that came to pick up the donations for Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative. She will take them down personally this week along with some other items she has.
The troops that we packed the boxes for did receive them and they sent a picture that was in the recent newsletter. We also received ½ the cost of the postage to mail the boxes from the Legion as promised.
New Business
We received a request from the Cedarburg Cultural Center asking if we would like our events posted in their calendar. We provided the following dates:
Kentucky Derby Party – May 6, 2023
Sweat for Vets – May 20, 2023
Vendor Fair/ Car Show – June 10, 2023
National Poppy Day is Friday May 26, 2023. Shirley Krier will talk with Piggly Wiggly, Otto’s and Speedway about handing out poppies that weekend. She will also check with Kwik Trip, Casey’s and Walgreens to see if they will allow us to put cans on the counters since they will not let us stand at the doors.
March 15, 2023 is the date of the Legion’s Birthday. Talked with Commander Dennis Jaeger and he will check with Jim Lee to see if the hall is available for a party on March 18, 2023. Unit will discuss party at General Unit meeting on February 6, 2023. Will need to decide if we want to cater or do pot luck. Also, do we want to charge $5 to offset the cost some? Free Beer and Soda for the evening? Shirley will check with Dave Salkowski to see if he is available should we decide to cater.
Advocates of Ozaukee sent letter asking us to consider donation this year. We will discuss at General Unit Meeting.
Sandy Mack advised we will need to write up a testimonial for Maggie Geiger that will be presented at the Department Convention. Will need it by 6/19/23
Barb Frank updated unit on progress with Vendor Fair. She has already sent out 20 applications and has applied for the Park Permit. Price of booth was increased to $35 and value of door prize to be offered by each vendor was increased to $20. This increase was previously approved by the unit. Barb also updated the Terms of Agreement to allow limited access to grass areas.
Barb Frank also presented 6 pairs of slippers that were handmade by a friend to be donated to Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative.
Nancy Wallock asked if she should check with the schools to see if they would want to create Valentines for the veterans at Zablocki VA. Board agreed that was a great idea. She will check to see if they will be accepted and then contact the schools.
REMEMBER- hours for 4/1/22 thru 3/31/23 are due in by March Meeting.
Sandy Mack advised if all goes well with the elections that Unit 288 will be proudly representing Ozaukee County (Carol Szudrowitz), the Mighty Second District (Sandy Mack) and the Department of Wisconsin (Maggie Geiger) for 2023.
Closing Prayer offered by Mary Jaeger
Meeting adjourned
November 21, 2022
Meeting called to order by Vice President Chris Skidmore, with ringing of the bell by Barb Frank)
Opening prayer by Mary Jaeger, Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call of Officers: Members present 8, excused 1
Treasurers report was read, Motion to accept by Sandy Mack, seconded by Mary Garner.
Membership Goal: 165 Paid Seniors 104 Paid Juniors 12
Chris Skidmore mentioned she will call after Thanksgiving for unpaid dues.
President Carol Grotkiewicz took over meeting after her arrival to the Post
Chris is asking our Auxiliary to have her $10.00 fee paid for access for ALAMIS, (Auxiliary membership information system). Mary Garner also will be included for an additional $10.00
Sandy Mack made a motion that we spend $20.00 total for Chris Skidmore and Mary Garner; Seconded by Mary Jaeger. Motion carried.
Veteran’s Day Lunch – November 11, 2022. Not that many Veterans came through the drive through luncheon. Partially because the information was advertised only twice. We had approximately 30 luncheons left over. Some lunches were taken to Vets at our local assisted living locations. Nine subs were taken for Honor Guard after a funeral.
Sandy Mack brought up the October 15th County Council meeting held in Cedarburg. There were some glitches, confusion, and we pulled through. We did what we had to do. Thank you everyone who contributed, and also for getting a quick raffle prize together. Sandy wishes she could have been here, and we did a great job. Also mentioned the caterer was late, but food turned out to be fantastic. We all know how to pull together.
Barb Tenpenny reminded that we should wear our Auxiliary pin for meetings. Sandy suggested buying just the patch, and then purchasing magnets from Amazon. It’s a lot cheaper. Mary Garner said she has extra magnets and gave some to Donna Kison as she crocheted poppy pins. Directions were from Shirley Krier. Nancy will ask Donna to make poppy for Shirley.
New Business:
Pot Luck Dinner December 6th. Mary Garner emailed a signup sheet to members to sign up for the dinner, and what dish they will bring. Barb Tenpenny will be making pulled pork sliders, and Shirley Krier will pick up the small rolls.
Sue Grosskopf’s son-in-law is in Iraq along with 9 deployed soldiers who are in dire need of things. Mary Garner has a list of things needed for men and three women. Mary Garner will go shopping for individual things requested on the list. (For example – sweat pants, gummy bears) Sue Handrick will get this out so they hopefully get by Christmas. Mary can purchase these things for $200.00. Mary will print out notes for the packages. Shipping charges already done through Wisconsin Women for Troops. Denny Jaeger also offered for Legion to pay for half the shipping charge. By laws says Auxiliary has authority to spend up to $250.00 with not needing approval. Shirley Krier made motion, Sandy Mack seconded that we spend up to $250.00.
Mary Garner will talk with Sue’s Grosskopf’s daughter about coming to December meeting. We could have gifts for grandchildren from Auxiliary. Mary Garner will check with Sue.
Chris Skidmore talked about a new boxed printer in the Auxiliary office in basement. Instead of buying ink for her home printer, she would like to use this printer in basement for her membership items. All agreed Chris should take it. (Note: after meeting Nancy brought up the printer for Chris. Nancy found white bag with laptop). Chris has taken the printer and laptop home.
No Board meeting in December
No Auxiliary Unit meeting in January
Correspondence was read by Carol G., and Nancy read one thank you letter from St. Francis for school supplies we gave the grade school.
Nancy Wallock, Barb Frank, and Chris Skidmore were at the Milwaukee War Memorial for a Volunteer Luncheon November 3. During the luncheon door prizes were given out. We did not win a door prize, but a gentleman sitting at our table won a stadium seat, and offered it to us. Nancy showed the seat. We will put in the basement till craft show.
Our attention was brought to the ladies window in the hall. It has a beautiful runner sewn by Barb Frank on the shelf. It’s very pretty and patriotic.
Sandy Mack informed that our Constitution and Bylaws are completed and approved by Jan Pulvermacher-Ryan , Department of Wisconsin, C & B Chairman. In our Preamble the correct words are (in all wars) not during all wars. Sandy sent out new documents with this correction. Once we redo our documents, and then make changes. (This is not an error on our part). Jan was going to turn it over to Dept. of Wisconsin, and complimented us on a nice job done.
Meeting adjourned with a closing prayer by Mary Jaeger.
October 17, 2022
Meeting was called to order by President Carol.
An opening prayer was read, pledge of allegiance was recited.
Roll Call of officers, 9 present, 1 excused.
Treasurers report was read,
Motion to accept , seconded and approved.
Membership report: 88 paid seniors and 8 paid juniors.
Commander Dennis Jaeger presented a check for $5000 to the auxiliary for the work done at fish frys.
County Council meeting from October 15th was discussed. We had 8 attending from our auxiliary and a total of 31 in all. We had a breakfast meeting with food supplied by the Prime Minister. They were a little late but the food was delicious and all enjoyed it. It was discussed that a committee chairman should send an email or notify all who signed up to work a couple days ahead of time to remind everyone of the event. If anyone cannot make it, be it last minute or whatever, they should let the chairman know. We had a couple no shows which stressed those working.
The Packer Party for November 13th has been cancelled due to not enough time to prepare and also no budget was set up for food or advertising.
Veterans Day Drive Thru will be November 11th. Mary Garner will check with Subway on the sandwiches and the chips. It will be from 11:00 to 1:00 P.M.
Chris Skidmore commented that we need a budget for the Kentucky Derby Party and for the Car Show.
It was recommended that we should raise the vendor rental to $30. This will be discussed the general meeting for approval.
December 6th meeting will be a pot luck dinner.
Chris Skidmore discussed Wreaths Across America. We will donate $300 to this. December 17th is the day that the wreaths will be placed on the graves. Chris is looking for volunteers to go down to Union Grove and do this.
Discussion on donation to Joy Booth who lost her house and everything in a recent house fire. The benevelent committee will be contacted.
Meeting was adjourned with a closing prayer.
Respectfully submitted by Donna Kison
Minutes - August 15, 2022
Meeting was called to order by President Carol Grotkiewicz at 6:00pm
Opening prayer offered by Barb Tenpenny
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call of Officers by Sandy Mack
8 Present 2 Absent
Treasurers Report – Barb Tenpenny
Checking Account Balance - $
Poppy Fund Balance - $
Money Market Balance - $
Have not received money from Fish Fry yet ($5000)
No additions or corrections.
Motion to accept Treasurer’s report as written by Donna Kison. Seconded by Barb Frank.
Membership Report – Chris Skidmore
Paid Seniors – 19
Paid Juniors – 5
Wine and Harvest Fest Parking at VIP– September 17th & 18th
Carol G. will check with Sue Grosskoph and Jeanne Paprocki to see if they still want to chair this event. Will suggest they have sign up sheet at the next meeting.
ALA In the Know – Deadline for Sign up is September 1, 2022. Closest one is in Grafton on October 22, 2022. Barb Tenpenny will send in payment for those who have submitted registration forms.
Ozaukee County Council Meeting – October 15, 2022.
Event will be held at the Cedarburg American Legion Post.
Invitations to all units have gone out requesting response to Amy Luft with number attending by 10/3/22. Average is usually around 55.
Post has been reserved with Jim Lee.
Carol G. will check with Rick Siefert to see if we can have a bartender for Mimosas and Bloody Marys.
Sign up book for the meeting is in the Auxiliary Drawer with some raffle tickets. Will need to look for name tags and purchase them if not found.
Registration – 9:00am
Breakfast – 9:30am
Meeting begins – 10:00am
Menu suggestions: Egg bakes and Homemade breads – Shirley Krier, Nancy Wallock, Barb Tenpenny, Donna Kison
Cheesy Potatoes – Barb Tenpenny
Cinnamon Rolls – Sandy Mack
Fruit - Barb Frank
Breakfast Egg Muffins – Chris Skidmore
Orange juice & Apple Juice – Shirley Krier
Coffee already on hand
Day of the Event: *Need a volunteer to collect $2 at the door and hand out name tags and raffle tickets for table decorations to each guest. ($2 at the door comes back to the Unit)
(Mary Lewandowski will put together the table decorations for us. About $5 each for 12 tables)
*Need Volunteer to sell basket raffle tickets and keep an eye on the baskets. Will have 7 baskets – 1 from each unit.
*Need volunteer to sell 60/40 raffle tickets (Raffle ticket income goes back to the county )
Will also request volunteers to bake, etc at the regular meeting. Sandy will have sign up sheet.
Constitution/ By-Laws/Standing Rules – Maggie Geiger, Sandy Mack and Barb Tenpenny
Members asked to review their most current copy and contact anyone of the 3 on the committee to make a suggestion for changes/updates.
Chris Skidmore- Membership Chair recommended that the wording regarding Junior dues payments be changed to reflect that we keep 75 cents – not 50 cents. Sandy believes that change has already been made.
Barb Tenpenny – questioning joint meeting 2 x per year. They are not mandatory. Opinion is not to do them any longer. Don’t believe the Legion is interested in them anymore either. Can discuss at regular meeting.
Banner – Suggestion was made by a friend to the post that we have signs made for events that would be put downtown pointing the way to the Legion. One for Spring Street and one on the corner of Columbia …at least. Many people shopping downtown see the signs but don’t know that the post is only 2 blocks away. Carol Suds got a quote from CKC Graphics for a banner to be made to show directions to the post for events. She has spoken with the jeweler in the Pagoda and they would be happy to put up a yard sign at her place for all of our events. She has not spoken with anyone at Spring Street yet.
Quote 1: 16” x 5.5 Ft, one-sided, outdoor banner, grommets = $295.
Quote 2: 18” x 5.5 Ft, one sided, outdoor banner, grommets = $295.
Discussion- too expensive and too big. Would be better to just have the smaller yard signs. Will discuss more at regular meeting.
School Supplies for Elementary Schools – Chris Skidmore, Nancy Wallock
Chris reached out to the Grafton President - Ria Marien and Treasurer/ Jr Program chair -Sue Turowski to see if they would like to collaborate with our unit to collect school supplies at Pyramid Bank in Grafton. No response to her email. Will continue to try to reach them. Nancy said that school starts on 9/1/22 but the schools are more than happy to take supplies at any time so it’s not a problem if we don’t get this done by that date.
*Sandy will need a list of post events that the unit has planned for October, November and December.
List needed by 8/8/22
*Barb T. sent in the paperwork and fee to be bonded as treasurer. It was due by 9/1/22.
*Chris asked about registering for ALAMIS (membership program) for 2023. Sandy advised new form will come in Oct / Nov.
*Sandy needs information on 2 previous events hosted by the Auxiliary this year along with pictures.
Chris S. will send her the information and pictures for Kentucky Derby and the Car Show/ Craft Fair.
Things coming up that we will need to keep in mind:
*Wisconsin Women 4 Our Troops – Maggie Geiger and Sue Handrick were going to work together on this.
*November – lunch on Veterans Day. Will have sign up sheet for bakers, etc.
*December – Christmas for the lady veterans at the Domiciliary.
*Beergarden – end of September. (24th??)
*Wreath Sale – will Mary Garner still be in charge ?
Nancy Wallock offered the Closing Prayer.
Meeting adjourned