Regular Monthly Meeting 12 November 2024
The meeting of this post was called to order by Commander Kristin Burkart at 1900 hours followed by the appropriate opening ceremonies.
Roll call of officers was taken with 12 present and 0 absent. Quorum of Post officers.
Introduction of Guests: None
The Adjutant presented the minutes of the 8 October 2024 Regular Monthly Meeting and the minutes of the 22 October 2024 Executive Board Meeting. There was a motion and second to approve those minutes as presented. The motion was carried.
Legion Notables: NEC and PDC Bob Shappell, PDC and current Adjutant Bob Batty, PDVC and current 1st Vice Commander Jim Lee, Department Chaplain and 2nd District Adjutant/Finance Officer Dennis Jaeger.
1st Vice Jim Lee: Jim reported the Post is currently at 70.9% toward its membership goal. Department is at 70.41%. The goal is to be at 100% by December 31, 2024. Those who have not paid, please get your dues in. Jim reported the Post membership goal is 330 and to date he has signed up 5 new members with another interested in transferring into Post 288 and two more interested in joining. In the last two weeks three long-time members of the Post have passed.
2nd Vice Gene Szudrowitz: No report.
3rd Vice Jerry Smith: Jerry reported there is a Military Funeral Honors for Post member Roverto Leon, Saturday, November 23rd at St. Francis Borgia North. Military Honors will occur at 1:45 p.m. There will be a walk-through around 1:25 p.m.
Finance Officer Dennis Loberger: Dennis reported for the month of October Total Receipts, Disbursements and Memorial Fund totals. Total Cash Assets and Cash Available Less Restricted Funds were also reported. Motion and a second to approve the Finance Report. Motion carried
Bar Report: Rick Siefert: For the month of October Rick reported cash income, credit card income and total income. He also reported monthly expenses and Post rental and donations. Not a bad month by Rick’s estimation. Motion and a second to approve the bar report. Motion carried.
Fish Fry Report Bob Batty: Bob reported that all volunteer positions are filled for the upcoming Fish Fry this Friday. The only wrinkle is that Mary Garner may not be able to do Take-out Table this Friday, and he may need two volunteers to step into that job. Pauline Shappell and Kristin Burkart have volunteered if necessary.
House Report Ed Downey: Fall cleanup has been completed and the Post exterior is ready for winter. The step outside has been re-painted. Burned out lights in bar have been replaced. A Kitchen refrigerator wasn’t making temperature. General Parts was called, they cleaned the refrigeration coils, and the refrigerator is now operating at proper temperature.
Chaplain P.J. Glavey: Donations to the bucket (tonight) will go to the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI).
Service Officer Bob Shappell: No report.
Historian John Katzka: No report.
SAL Jerry Gomez: Out of a membership of 76, 43 members have paid placing the SAL over the 50% mark. Jerry urged SAL members and Legion members with sons in the SAL to pay their dues as soon as possible. Annual dues are $15.
Other Committees: None
Commander Burkart read a greeting card from the Susan S. Richardson Community Hospice thanking all veterans for their service in honor of Veterans Day.
The commander read a thank you note from the Cedarburg Fire Department thanking the Post for a $1,000 donation to the CFD for the use of Fireman’s Park to park cars during the festivals. The note was signed by Chief Jeffrey J. Vahsholtz.
The commander read a thank you note from the Paul Brissman Family thanking the Post members for the $500 in gas cards donated to them when their son passed suddenly. The donated money was from the Chaplain’s bucket, direct donations by the membership.
Finance Officer – Bills to be paid? Finance Officer Dennis Loberger read the bills totaling $5,392.83. Motion and a second to pay all the Bills. Motion carried.
Debbie Gabert reported the Halloween Party was a success. Dennis Krings donated $400 to pay for the band and $980 was raised and donated to the Milwaukee Homeless Veterans Initiative (MHVI). The two barrels in the vestibule will remain through the holidays to receive donations of non-perishable food items.
Debbie Gabert also encouraged Post members to sign up for the Christmas Holiday Dinner at the Post, December 7, 2024. Cocktails at 5 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m. There will be a band playing from 7 to 10 p.m. So far there are only five couples who have sent in reservations. Cost of the dinner is $25 per person.
Bryan Kjell and Keith Mason are handling the Bell Ringing at the Cedarburg Piggly Wiggly this holiday season. Bryan reported volunteer slots are filled up to November 23rd, but after that date and into December there are many open volunteer opportunities. Please see Bryan Kjell, Jim Lee or Keith Mason if you would be interested in volunteering to ring bells.
Commander Burkart reported our Auxiliary Unit 288 is participating in Wreaths Across America. There are two cemeteries involved, the Auxiliary will sponsor one and they hoped the Post would sponsor the second. There will be a ceremony at Immanuel Cemetery on December 14th, and it is requested our Post provide an Honor Guard and Legionnaires to represent each branch of service. The wreaths will be stored in the Post garage for two weeks before placement in the cemeteries. A pickup truck will be needed to ferry the wreaths to the cemeteries for placement and retrieval after the holidays. General approval was given.
The Cedarburg Rotary has inquired if the Post wishes to place an ad in the Rotary Holiday Concert program at $390 for a full-page ad. Motion and a second to place an ad in the Rotary Holiday Concert program for $390. Motion carried.
Jim Lee needs volunteers to perform Buddy Checks. If interested in participating, please see Jim after the meeting. He needs ten Legionnaires to make the calls. Script will be provided.
Parade Video – Commander showed a video of the Veterans Day Car Parade around to the local schools in Cedarburg. A teacher at the Parkview School sang the National Anthem and when she finished the children (unsolicited) began to chant USA…USA…USA. Very moving!
Fish Fry November 15th.
Veteran’s Thursday Coffee at Jim’s Grille 10 a.m.
Army-Navy Game, December 14th, doors open at 2p.m. and game starts at 3 p.m.
Freezin’ For A Reason, an outdoor sleep-over, held to raise awareness of veteran’s homelessness will be held December 6th and 7th at the Milwaukee Memorial Center– Commander Burkart will participate and inquired if any other Legionnaires would like to join her. Dennis Jaeger suggested the Post donate $1,000 to Freezin for a Reason. Motion and second to donate $1,000 to Freezin For A Reason. Motion carried.
George Maumee introduced Dave Stencel, a first-time visitor. George will be the NCOIC for Military Funeral Honors for Post member Art Filter. Those participating in the walkthrough should be at Immanuel Lutheran Church (at the T of Western Ave) no later than 1:10 p.m., Thursday, November 14th.
Tom Ingram
Rick Wallock
There being no further business the meeting ended with the appropriate closing ceremonies and was adjourned at 1951 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Batty, PDC
Peter Wollner Post 288
Department of Wisconsin